Funnel Radio’s Behind the Mic
We’ll help you launch, grow, correct, or reboot your podcast. Join host Susan Finch as she brings in experts, shares experiences, and helps you look better online. We’ll show you how to prepare through practical experience learned. This is the advice only B2B boutique podcast production firms can tell you. From Funnel Media Group and the Funnel Radio Channel

Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Before You Commit to Creating a Podcast You May Want to Consider These Items
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Before You Commit, Know the Answers to These Questions
WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? Is it to launch an initiative? Build reputation? Boost egos of your executives or clients? Give value to your existing clients? Open the door for new clients/prospects? Have fun with your lighter side?
WHO WILL HELP? Anyone involved needs to know and commit to the time and tasks for their portion of the podcast’s success. Then you have to decide: If you have the money but not the time, how much can you outsource?
WHO IS YOUR AUDIENCE? Once you know this, you can determine where you can find them listening to podcasts, their habits, do they “listen” or read captions? At work or on the treadmill. What are you competing with when they hit play? Do they binge-listen?This is CRITICAL and where a lot of podcasts fail before the first episode. You MUST be realistic.
IDEAL LENGTH? Once you know all the players, the tasks, the audience you can determine the length. I have some shows that are always 25 – 35 minutes – a good “lunch” episode. Others do quick micro episodes of 4-7 minutes. Many combine – do the full show and later extract a nugget and create a new “highlight” episode from that. This will help you plan the time needed to record and edit.
CAN YOU COMMIT? WHO IS THE TALENT? WHO IS THE TEAM? Potential hosts - this is where you may have to tell a hard truth or two. Just because they are good leaders, doesn’t mean they know how to lead an interesting interview. Some will be better than others. You may have to have a “casting call of unexpected hosts.
What if you are getting help from an outside company?
If companies simply send you links, videos and pdfs, you have to decide if that’s how you want to communicate with your producers. I know for Funnel Media Group, our hosts love the relationships we have with them and that we are very open helping them improve. Sometimes people have speech patterns or bad habits such as “EXspecially, rather than especially. This may not matter to you. But, if you are sharing this with your networks, prospects, investors, clients, it may matter so that you are not distracting because of these patterns. Can you hear the excitement in their voices. Will they will be coming up with ideas on the spot as they get to know you and your goals. How do they share those ideas? If they have no new ideas regularly, they are not thinking about your account.
What is included?Host coaching. Will they tell you the truth when you need to improve? Do they care? Someone has to have the experience to help you improve fast.
Pre episode prep – testing with the guest? Creating a preview of the episode before publishing? Live option – If you want that. Vetting guests. Writing the post. Voiceover work? Template for each episode.
Production – are they in the recording session? Voiceover work as the overall host – intro, commercial, outro?
Editing – what type of editing? How detailed? Can they correct bad audio when the guest chooses to show up from their car or in an airport? How do they recommend recording?
Publishing – posting the episode to hit all podcast apps, creating guest packages – what’s included in the guest package? What about a type of “Boost” package for host and guest teams to share it out.
Who orders the transcripts? Do they provide transcripts? What is the quality – AI or by hand?
Who pays for hosting? Who owns all the hosting accounts, feeds, materials? Music license.
Post – 2-3 months later – how are they going to help you use the content? Create a round-up post? What about milestones in your show – so many episodes, so many listeners, focus on topics – will they write those posts for you or will you?
Ask to talk to some of their hosts. Are they pleased with the results? What would they wish they’d known before they started this? Check out their presence on ListenNotes, Podchaser – are they all around?
Do they charge to update your commercials, intros/outros each time? What about if a host changes?
What is the turnaround time?
Is one person assigned to my account that we can talk with or is it all via email? Can we have recap meetings included?
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Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Programmatic Media Buying Has Changed Everything
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
We are regularly asked at Funnel Media Group how to jump-start a show's reach into new markets, and reach new audiences. This episode covers advertising, sponsors, and the change in best practices over the past two years. Consumer behaviors have changed - how they consume media. This is where our guest, Mary Ann Pruitt shines through her agency, Mosaic Media Agency. You will want to consider all of her insights and advice, as well as some great suggestions you can get started with today.
Who are we targeting?
How are we targeting?
What about the third-party cookie thing?
First-party data is available to you - you just don't realize it. It's time to invest in collecting your own first-party data.
Listen to this episode: Programmatic media buying has changed everything.

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
What Is a Podcast Guest Management Firm?
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
This episode was inspired by the great guests Interview Valet has been sending us for our hosts, and by a blog post, "Checklist Before You are a Guest on a Podcast". This episode covers expectations for guests hiring a podcast guest management firm, for those being contacted by them to have their clients on your shows, and what should be expected of all for a successful appearance on a show. You can read the post here. Listen to this conversation with my guest, Lasina Jensen, Client Success Team Manager at Interview Valet.
Please listen to this episode and share it out to your circles that are podcasts guests and hosts.

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
We All Have Our Favorite Podcast Equipment - What Are Yours?
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
In this 13 minute episode we cover our favorite podcast equipment and the reasons we prefer one over another. There are some additional items we suggest to give you a more professional look and sound.
Podcast Microphones - Rode USB Condenser mic , Yeti
RiversideFM has more ideas:
If you’re on a tight budget or just want a mic that doesn’t have a huge learning curve, consider one of these plug-and-play USB microphones:
Rode Procaster ($250)
Rode NT-USB ($177)
Audio-Technica ATR2100-USB ($80)
Webcams - Logitech BRIO
Pop Filters and Mic Muffs
Sound Panels
Backgrounds vs. greenscreens (no link tells you we are not fans of greenscreens)
Lighting kits article
Recording Zoom vs.
Mixing boards article
Headsets for recording and editing
RiversideFM has additional podcast equipment lists you may find helpful.
Need help with your set up or editing, let us know.

Monday Jul 19, 2021
Tell Us: Why Might You Ask Your Guest For a Do-Over?
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
This episode covers one of the questions from the recent one with EJ and Nina in Funnel Feud. These are the top 8 answers given by 100 podcast hosts, guests, and team members. Aside from swearing, revealing too much, and other simple editing issues, why would a podcast host ask the guest for a do-over? We'll give you tips on how to work around these 8 common issues in this 13-minute episode. Email me for the recap graphic. If you have additional reasons, please tell us. You can find me on LinkedIn here or email me

Monday Jul 05, 2021
Funnel Feud! 3 Questions We Asked Podcast Teams
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
You know the music, you know how it works. Play along with our version - Funnel Feud to hear the answers to these questions:
1. What is a reason you would want a do-over with a guest?
2. What is the reason your podcast failed?
3. What is your favorite podcast equipment?
We asked 100 podcast hosts, producers and teams and the answers in this episode are what they said. You can get the full list from us - just email us. If you want to know our favorite equipment, we'll tell you that, too! It will be part of another upcoming episode on Behind The Mic - Funnel Media Group's favorite equipment and tools for producing podcasts.

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Podcast Editing Tips for Hosts, Guests, and Editors
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Podcasting editors' tips from EJ Albaugh. EJ reminds us that if we can do a bit of practice we can save time and money with our editing solutions. Don't be afraid of a retake, and beware of Zoom twang when there are bandwidth issues for your host or your guest, or your producer. If you listen to this and would like the podcaster's checklist magnet from Funnel Media Group, email with your mailing address and we'll get one to you. While you're at it, send us your podcast URL so we can check it out!

Monday Dec 21, 2020
Building Community Through Podcasting and Podchaser
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Taking advantage of search engine goodness, building communities of podcasters and their teams, as well as profiles for creators is what Podchaser's Dave Keine and Susan Finch talked about today on Behind the Mic. Do not miss the list of free tools, tips and ways to build your listenership and expand your audience demographics.